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Project Type

Interactive Experience


May 2024



Throughout the final project I collaborated with my team by discussing concepts, researching precedents and material. I also worked on testing the projectors with material and various locations. Once the final idea was decided I helped Yazen in touchdesign with fine-tuning the motion tracking algorithms to accurately capture and respond to viewers' movements. I also created the video of various people testing the installation, created the process video linked on the website, and came up with the storyline.

The project is an immersive art installation designed to offer viewers two distinct experiences within the space. It consists of two fabric pieces: an opaque flat sheet and an abstracted folded translucent sheet. These components create a physical barrier that separates the viewer from the artwork, inviting them to engage with the installation in different ways. The intent of the project is to evoke a sense of wonder and exploration through interactive engagement with color and movement. As visitors move through the exhibit, they have the opportunity to interact with the projected visuals in unique ways. One interactive feature allows participants to become part of the artwork by activating a sensor that pixelates their silhouette into a vibrant rainbow of colors. As they move and dance within the space, their pixelated forms merge and blend with the surrounding visuals, creating an immersive fusion of human expression and digital art.

Desired Experience for the Viewer:
The desired experience for the viewer is one of discovery and engagement. As viewers approach the installation, they are drawn to the two fabric sheets, each offering a unique perspective on the artwork within. For those outside the installation, observing the shifting colors and movements through the translucent sheet creates a sense of intrigue and anticipation. Once inside the space, viewers are enveloped by a mesmerizing display of colorful particles that react to their movements, inviting them to playfully interact with the artwork. The overall experience aims to evoke feelings of excitement, happiness, and a sense of connection to the artwork and other participants.

The installation utilizes a combination of projection mapping technology, motion sensors, and interactive software to create the immersive experience. High-definition projector are used to cast dynamic visuals onto the fabric sheets, while motion sensors detect the movements of viewers within the space. Interactive software processes the data from the sensors in real-time, allowing the visuals to react dynamically to the viewers' movements. Additionally, the translucent fabric sheet serves as a canvas for the projected visuals, creating a sense of depth and dimensionality.

The result is a captivating and visually stunning art installation that engages viewers in a multisensory exploration of color and movement. By combining physical materials with digital technology, the installation offers a unique and interactive experience that resonates with a diverse audience. Participants are invited to actively engage with the artwork, creating a sense of connection and immersion that leaves a lasting impression.

Interesting and Enjoyable Parts:
- The dynamic interaction between viewers and the projected visuals creates a sense of playfulness and spontaneity.
- Observing the shifting colors and movements from outside the installation adds an additional layer of intrigue and anticipation for viewers.
- The sense of wonder and discovery as participants explore the space and interact with the artwork in unexpected ways.

Challenges and Frustrations:
- Fine-tuning the motion tracking algorithms to accurately capture and respond to viewers' movements posed technical challenges.
- Ensuring smooth integration of the projection mapping technology with the physical fabric elements required careful calibration and testing.
- Managing logistical considerations such as space requirements, lighting conditions, and power supply within exhibition settings.


The Colorful Quest:

In a world where imagination knows no bounds, a young artist embarks on a quest to discover the true essence of color and movement. Maya sets out on an adventure that will take her to the heart of creativity itself.

The Mysterious Invitation
One day, Maya receives a mysterious invitation to visit an art installation unlike any she's ever seen. Intrigued by the promise of an immersive experience, Maya decides to accept the invitation and sets off..

The Enchanted Experience
Upon arriving at the installation, Maya is greeted by two imposing fabric sheets—an opaque flat sheet and an abstracted folded translucent sheet. Sensing an air of mystery, Maya ventures between the fabric sheets and finds herself transported into a world of wonder and magic.

The Interactive Journey
As Maya explores the installation, she discovers that the fabric sheets conceal a hidden interactive art installation called Chromatic Odyssey. Enveloped by a mesmerizing display of colorful particles, Maya embarks on an interactive journey of discovery.

The Pixelated Adventure
As Maya interacts with the artwork, she activates a sensor that pixelates her silhouette into a vibrant rainbow of colors. With each movement, Maya's pixelated form merges and blends with the surrounding visuals, creating an immersive fusion of human expression and digital art.

The Joyful Conclusion
Lost in the dance of light and color, Maya revels in the joy of their newfound creativity. As she bids farewell to the enchanted installation, Maya realizes that the true essence of color and movement lies not in the art itself, but in the endless possibilities of imagination and expression.

A New Beginning
With a newfound sense of inspiration, Maya returns home, ready to embark on her next artistic adventure. As she picks up her paintbrush, Maya knows that the colorful quest has only just begun—anything is possible.

The project is an immersive projection mapping experience designed to engage viewers through interactive visuals projected onto fabric surfaces. The desired experience for the viewer is one of discovery and engagement. As viewers approach the installation, they are drawn to the two fabric sheets, each offering a unique perspective on the artwork within. For those outside the installation, observing the shifting colors and movements through the translucent sheet creates a sense of intrigue and anticipation. Once inside the space, viewers are enveloped by a mesmerizing display of colorful particles that react to their movements, inviting them to playfully interact with the artwork. The overall experience aims to evoke feelings of excitement, happiness, and a sense of connection to the artwork and other participants.

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